Today , I went to Clarke Quay to take photos!
Here are some that i photoshopped:

There isn't that many colours in real life

Lights on the boat , and darkened the rest

Darkened the image x10000000

HEHEHE , i like the following two,

wandering boat!

& Purple trees , Yipeeeeeee

Its 1am now , so i'm going to sleep.
Gooooodnight kiddos

9:59 AM


Today i went to Queenstown Lutheran Church to attend ......

Together with .... Estelle, Vicki , Lucinda ( all exotic names)
We went to make Butter Cupcakes & Banana Choco Chip Muffins

Then we decorated it ... This is estelles


7:43 AM


I haven't updated for so many weeks and so many things have happened but i dont rmb !

Schools finally over , but there's holiday extra lessons. Sian.

And i'm going to japan on the 10th ,so many things to do ~.~

I got back my PPR too! 3 C5s ,1 A2 , 1 D7 (Science) 2 B4s.That should be it ! L1R4 OF 20 , And level position of 81. I did improve somehow , but my attendance is 161 / 191 , i went to school less than clarissa!

Now some photos!

Got my cd! :D the metal box edition !

This one was some family dinner at RTC, my mums side. Celebrating my Aunt's Birthday.

This is my Burnt Pau , from white -> black

To achieve such a dish , steam it for 1 hour! Goodluck!

This was at Yoshinoya on some Sunday , studying i think

This was at Bukit Merah Central Macs after some exam

This is a random pic of ... Buan Kiong

& Eugene!

& Zhan Hao

& Pumpkin and Peach

& The Silly CAT thingy elroy got me from japan

& This is an exibit at the Purple Dot Museum


8:20 AM